We will always give credit where credit is due. It sounds like the Jim Feist net guys are heeding the advice of Senior Football Handicapper Mike Godsey of GodsTips, anchor of OffshoreInsiders.com
On the Proline cable television show, the handicappers Dave Cokin, Scott Spreitzer, and Jim Feist were all preaching Godsey’s law of not reading too much into a game that you watched last week.
In the past few days, the media has quoted LVSC head linesmaker Ken White and former Stardust oddsmaker Joe Lupo said the same thing. They released lines than their sportsbooks adjusted lines based on public perception.
This explains exactly what Godsey’s outlaw line is. The official outlaw line is what the odds would be if there was no consideration given to public perception and balancing the action. It is the more accurate line from the standpoint of the bettor.
Kudos to the Feist crew for preaching what Mike Godsey of OffshoreInsiders.com has been doing for decades.