It now appears to be only a question of when. Will Wade Phillips be fired as head coach of the Dallas Cowboys? We posed that question to oddsmaker extraordinaire Mike Godsey of GodsTips, anchor of GodsTips outlaw line is famous for its accuracy. The official outlaw line is what the odds would be if there was no consideration given to public perception and balancing the action. It is the more accurate line from the standpoint of the bettor.
According to Godsey, here are the odds of anyone other than Wade Phillips coaching the Dallas Cowboys by:
· Next week’s game (Tampa Oct. 26): 5/2
· Before the last game of the season: Even
· Before opening game 2009: 1/3
Stevie Vincent of says the fact that genius-in-waiting Jason Garrett may not be ready for prime time and the Pokes injuries probably will get Phillips through this season, but he agrees there is little chance of his head coaching the Cowboys next year.