One of the very few A-plus sportsbooks is Bovada. As part of the famed Bodog brand, they have been making timely payouts for nearly 20 years, having made more than $50 billion in punctual payoffs. Their standing is second-to-none in terms of both reputation and length-of-service.
The ease of the site and number of betting options, including for the fantasy sports bettor, are highly competitive. As is the case with every investigated A-Plus bookie, their customer service agents are 24-7-365.
It is easy to bet on every game. They don’t take plays off the board as quickly as most sportsbooks, so the sharp has opportunity to beat the squares. Bovada does not shy away from odds sharks.
Since debuting in 1994, your privacy and security are 100 percent protected, and their bitcoin bonuses are the best in the industry.
Bovada is an vetted A-Plus sportsbook.