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The top money won handicapper in the 21st century is a handicapper out of
An attorney/law professor/pro bettor turned pro bettor/professional handicapper out of
Hottest service in the land is out of
Bo Eason is the No. 2 ranked handicapper all sports combined since 1990 and No. 1 in MLB. His 10*s have turned a profit in every sport (college and pro counted separately) literally every year since 1990. He’s No. 3 overall this month in MLB units won, but his 10*s is the reason. He’s hit 10-of-11 +12.7 units thanks to several big underdogs including the Royals and Seattle yesterday. His only 10* Monday is a pretty big underdog
Free pick: Service out of the west, NL Upset of the Month on
Please note that plays released are generally not every play released by the service. We pass along ONLY the top rated plays from the top rated sports services in their highest rated sports. Even if a top ranked service has a highly rated play, we may cancel it’s re-release because of conflicting information from other top services.
Our rankings are based on:
Default category: Total net units won—how much money a service won based on one unit per play including the juice
Winning percentage—self explanatory, minimum of 50 plays in quoted category to quality for rankings
ROI—based on units risked versus units won ratio, minimum 50 units risked to qualify. This category also takes into consideration multiple unit picks