Presented is the Vegas runner scrutiny of pulling together key achievement indicators from a betting approach on the bout between the Jaguars vs. Cowboys.
The Las Vegas odds are Dallas -6.5 with a total of 44.
Originating with the yards per carry data, the higher value offense is Jacksonville by .2.
On the same part of the line of scrimmage, yards per catch bestows the control to Dallas by 1.5.
Professional gamblers exploit the yards per point angle. The more fruitful unit with the ball in their control is Jacksonville by 3.2.
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In halting rushing attacks, the senior ranked defense in accordance with rushing yards per attempt is Dallas by a miniscule .1.
The tighter defense in terms of yards per pass catch would be the Dallas Pokes by 1.9.
The more troublesome defense making use of yards per point enlightenment is that of Jacksonville by .9.
On the better segment of turnover ratio is barely that of Dallas by two.
Yards per point is determined by diving total yards by number of points. Offensively a lower number is considered more efficient. On defense, a higher number is better.